Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Pool Always has a Few Leaves: Each season offers something new to explore

I never had a pool until we purchased this campground.  People would mention maintenance cost and concerns about unsupervised children but I never heard anyone really focus on the issue of leaves.  There are always a few leaves in our pool. No matter how hard I try and keep the pool clean chances are you will be swimming with several of the leaves from surrounding trees.  The pool is so much cleaner than the lake we rationalize. Its nice to sit in the shade when not swimming. These are just excuses for not having a pool robot to clean constantly or not wishing to remove the trees that grow close to the pool. I have a confession to make- I kind of like the leaves.
Like fishing cleaning the pool is an activity that prevents you from doing much else. I love catching the first few leaves in the net or diving deep to get the one large maple leaf that escaped the leaf catcher. Each part of the pool seems to have its own type of leaf collection. The rope captures floating brown leaves, there is one spot at the kiddy pool that makes a pile and the deep end fans out from what looks like a curved design. Now that its fall more leaves fall each day.  I wonder at what point it will be time to close the pool. Still when the weather is this warm and I see families enjoying the water it seems worth the work. Also when there are lots of leaves I get more in the net with each stroke. Of course when I get to swim the view I like best is straight up- blue skies framed by tall stately trees. Its part of swimming at a campground. 
I know that I like having falling leaves in the other parts of my life as well. They are little problems; little tasks that help me feel productive as I work my way down the long list of things to do. The leaves keep life interesting. Some are more challenging than others to deal with but in the end the lack of relative clutter makes the exercise of removing them most rewarding. Please come visit Lake Eufaula Campground this fall. The chores that are so routine at home make great family memories here. Soon the temperatures will fall and this  new season will be underway. Many activities will compete for your time. Our mission is to support individuals, relationships and the community by promoting the importance of quality leisure time and the opportunity to relax and enjoy the outdoors- even if its just a falling leaf. 

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