Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Building a Prayer Labyrinth

It's really not going to be all that difficult. We have the pattern, the rock has been delivered, and the space is already pretty flat. The weather may or may not cooperate this time of year but we have even choose a rain date. The real question is how many people will show up to help? Many hands make light work is not in the bible. As you can see if I am the only one to place rock around the circles it could take me quite awhile. If 20 people show up the task could be completed very quickly. If I am placing the rock I will be pretty much alone with my thoughts. The labyrinth would be very significant to me but others walking the path may not feel quite as connected. If the group takes on the task chances are the conversations taking place will have little to do with placing stones. Only when the task is complete will individuals walk the path and see a deeper meaning. Being part of the build will have more meaning as well remembering the conversations and friends that were part of the build.

Sure it might be seen as safer not to build this labyrinth. As I put the notice on our campground sign today I wonder what reactions it will get from people driving by. It's a risk to post such a thing but it could also have a  very positive impact. We believe that God created the world we enjoy and this labyrinth allows people  to focus on their walk with God. Walking the labyrinth once it is build is free. So is walking the spiritual trail that will be next to the labyrinth. If you can join us to build this prayer labyrinth please do. If you can not and have an opportunity to walk one, try it out. I have walked the labyrinth several times and have  appreciated the tme spent in prayer and reflection . Life is a journey with many twists and turns- so is the labyrinth. Please post a comment if walking a labyrinth has been meaningful to you.

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