Thursday, October 8, 2015

Autumn Reflections

The temperature is in the mid 70's  and I don't think the campground has looked any better than it does today. We have had several calls from hunters looking for a place to stay but their season starts a bit later in the year. We have work to do to attract more winter guests but the cabins are already booked for the winter months. Several great campsites are still available. The pool is closed thanks to the early cold front that came through  and the large number of leaves falling from the trees. Autumn is perhaps the best time of year to go camping but with school activities, football and community events, so far fall as been less busy than this summer.

The Chili Cook Off  and our second annual Pumpkin Dash and Smash on October 24th is our chance to let everyone know more about this special time of year at Lake Eufaula Campground. We are really enjoying working with the Jaxon Life Senior Center to make their fund raiser a big success. We have started a monthly Senior Center  birding class to work more closely with seniors at the center. Middle school classes will be joining us again this year for gravity games - a pre pumpkin Dash and Smash event that looks at the science behind the games. New this year will be an egg toss and two holes on the miniature golf course. We hope people visiting the cook off will see us as a place to bring friends together for tailgating. We are hosting  a pavilion party next weekend- another great option for family and friends to get together. Fall is also a great time to kayak.

Not everyone camping this time of year is looking for a party. Fall unfolds it's  beauty every day and a walk on the hiking trail or the spiritual trail is full of new discoveries. Soon it will be time to think about the holidays and look ahead to the upcoming year.   Thanksgiving lasts a bit longer here as we celebrate the season and not just the day. If you are traveling through this area on your way to points further south we invite you to spend some time with us enjoying the quiet season change. Eufaula has a lot to offer winter guests and those just passing through.

If you can come join us for the Cook Off and  support the great programs offered through the senior center. Tickets are available at the campground and the center. We still could use a few more chili cook off teams. If you do come please take time to drive into the retreat area  to see autumn in full bloom. Enjoy the season and celebrate outdoors.

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