Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Tenting Anyone?

Back in my Girl Scout days our family had a four person tent. My sister and I would each hold a corner and mom and dad would have the other two. We could move our tent to get to the most level spot for a good nights sleep or we placed it on an open hay bale for extra cushioning. Two teams of one parent and one child were formed for most trips. One team cooked - the other cleaned up and we would alternate the next meal. One of the last memories our family had with my dad was recounting those good times in the  Rocky Mountains.  We also went on trips with other families- rain or shine- but there is nothing like a group of kids unleashed to use their imaginations in the woods.

Sites near the creek 
At Lake Eufaula Campground we now have  three tent areas for your use. The area by the creek is a great location for your group. It has a community campfire ring and lots of room for parking. We can launch kayaks from this area water level permitting. .

These Tent sites are across from the office 
The area by the pool is best on warm summer days when you will be in and out of the pool a lot. These sites have great shade and are close to the rest rooms for folks with small children or older adults. The sites are across from the office so they are not quite as isolated as the other two areas.

Now open are 3 sites by our large fishing pond. We are only allowing one vehicle back to these sites but they do provide more privacy than the other two areas. Be sure to bring shade cover for these new sites. They are recommended for older children since restrooms are not close by.
We can also accommodate smaller pop up tent campers on all of these tent sites if guests are not looking for sewer hook up or cable TV. 

. Thanks for tenting with us-Karen
Only one car allowed at pond sites

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