Monday, April 13, 2015

Art in Eufaula

The connection between art and camping may not be obvious at first but any artist who enjoys the outdoors finds inspiration abounding in nature. I like drawing so for me every tree is a potential art piece. I like the contrast between  light and dark, the interesting forms and shapes and the various textures on the trunk surface. A more practical point - there are not a lot of great places to display art when running a campground. The pieces I have collected over the years need new homes.

Eufaula is such a lovely small town. I was please to find a very dedicated group of art lovers here interested in promoting the Arts and Arts education. Known as the Eufaula Art Scene, the group boosts over 65 members who meet monthly to plan events and learn about art in the area. Many excellent local artists are members but so are individuals like me who just enjoy art.

I have been sharing a personal goal that Eufaula will develop three new art galleries in the next five years . A map of  locations where original art works are on display in Eufaula is posted on the campground activity page. Copies of the map are available at the campground. The campground is one stop on tour. Our Rainy Day room features art from a number of artists.  It is hoped that Eufaula will become even more of an art tourist designation and that new galleries will enhance our beautiful historic downtown. Many members of the Art Scene are interested in developing a cooperative art gallery much like the Black Belt Gallery located in Camden, Alabama. A second new galley is one the Campground promotes which is called "Your Family's Art "

Your Family's Art is an online gallery with a local presence at Bella's Collectibles and Antiques 130 E. Broad Street in Eufaula. Art is consigned to the on line gallery with the goal of finding new homes for the art you love. Each piece includes a story about how the art was acquired or why it is meaningful to the owner. If you are looking for one of a kind original pieces  check out the web page at

Enjoying fine art is like spending time outdoors. These are two activities that give a deeper meaning to life and help us appreciate the world around us. We hope our guests take toime to enjoy both activities when visiting Eufaula.  

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